Community News Health

Celebrating success at Slimming World

Councillor Carey Jacques recently attended the local Slimming World group to present the ‘Greatest Loser Awards’ to local residents Ben and Victoria, showing her support for the incredible dedication and achievements of the group’s members. As part of the council’s efforts to help promote health and wellbeing in the community, Carey was delighted to celebrate those making positive lifestyle changes.

Sarah, the Slimming World Consultant who leads the weekly group, shared her gratitude: “A huge thank you to Carey for joining us at our Greatest Loser Awards evening! Her heartfelt and supportive speech truly resonated with our members, and I know they will express just how much it meant to them in our next session.”

Well done to everyone on their journey – your hard work and determination are truly inspiring!

Councillors are here to support and represent residents, so if there’s anything they can help you with, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Slimming World

Sarah runs her groups every Tuesday at Rickards Hall. 5.30 pm & 7.00 pm. All are welcome. You can contact Sarah on 07786 554159


Minor injuries service for Edenbridge

A pilot walk-in minor injuries service at Edenbridge Medical Practice will continue to run until the opening of the new Edenbridge Memorial Health Centre in November.

The trial, which started on Tuesday, 15 August 2023 and replaces the MIU service at Edenbridge and District War Memorial Hospital, is being delivered through a partnership between the medical practice and Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (KCHFT).

KCHFT’s clinical lead for the Edenbridge project, Clive Tracey, said: “Due to staffing challenges, our unit at the Edenbridge hospital needed to close on numerous occasions this year. We hope trialling this new partnership approach will offer a more resilient and longer-term solution for the community.”

The GP-led service is open from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm, excluding bank holidays at Edenbridge Medical Practice, Station Road, Edenbridge TN8 5ND.

It is run by specialist practitioners who are nurses and paramedics and is for minor injuries only. For illnesses and other medical problems, including x-ray, patients will need to contact their GP, phone 111 or visit the Sevenoaks Urgent Treatment Centre. The minor injuries unit at Edenbridge hospital will remain closed during the pilot.

The Edenbridge and District War Memorial Hospital will be closing shortly, to be replaced by a new £13.5 million Edenbridge Memorial Health Centre. More information on the new centre can be found on the Edenbridge future page.

Information about alternative local urgent services can be found at

Community News Consultations Health

Book your place: Edenbridge Memorial Health Centre public meeting – 7 October

As the countdown to the opening of Edenbridge Memorial Health Centre begins, local people are being given another opportunity to hear about the services that will be delivered from our new community hub when it opens at the end of November.


Community News Health

Councillors visit progress at the new health centre

Chairman Cllr Bob Todd and Cllr Margot McArthur – July 2023

Edenbridge Town Council Chairman Cllr Bob Todd and Cllr Margot McArthur (Chair of CIL Board) visited the site of the new Edenbridge Memorial Health Centre on 10 July. They were pleased to see the progress being made and learn that it’s on schedule for opening in the winter.

Edenbridge Town Council has contributed £200,000 of CIL money towards this project, alongside Sevenoaks District Council whose representatives also joined the visit.

To find out more about the new health centre, visit

Community News Health Open Spaces

Free walking rugby sessions

Sevenoaks District Council is running free walking rugby sessions for adults of all abilities in Edenbridge this summer.

The sessions are taking place from 6pm to 7pm on Mondays from 3 July at Edenbridge Recreation Ground (The Pavilion, Coomb Field, TN8 5HL).

Run by Edenbridge Rugby Club, the sessions are open to men and women aged 18 years and above of all abilities.

They are suitable for former players looking to play again, newcomers interested in trying a new sport, anyone recovering from an injury or illness and disabled people.

The sessions do not require booking – residents can simply turn up and join in.

Participants should wear clothing and footwear suitable for exercise and are recommended to bring a bottle of water. All other equipment will be provided.

For more information, visit or call Sevenoaks District Council on 01732 227000. 

The rugby sessions are funded by Active Kent and Medway.

Community News Health Open Spaces

Join the Edenbridge Walking Group

Steps to Wellbeing – One You Kent, Kent County Council & Sevenoaks District Council

Get active and socialise with a one hour circular walk taking in the airfield, River Eden and local landmarks.

Setting off from Church Street, TN8 5BD, adjacent to the Church, this gentle circular walk will go across open fields, countryside and woodland thickets.

The next walks are taking place on:

  • Wednesday 28 June at 10.30am
  • Monday 10 July at 2pm
  • Wednesday 9 August at 10.30am

Not suitable for wheelchairs or buggies.

To confirm your place, email or call 01732 227000.

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