Meetings PACT

It’s better when we work together! PACT on 9 Jan

Three to four times a year Sevenoaks District Council’s Community Safety team organises an Edenbridge Partners & Communities Together (PACT) meeting, which local residents and businesses are welcome to attend. The first meeting for this year will be held on:
Monday 9 January from 2pm at Rickards Hall.

It’s an opportunity to just listen in to what is being discussed, or to put forward any questions or concerns you may have regarding issues such as anti-social behaviour, fly-tipping and graffiti. A representative from the Town Council attends, along with others from Sevenoaks District Council, Kent Police and West Kent Housing.

While these are public meetings, members of the public can raise issues in confidence and will never be identified in meeting reports. If you are unable to attend in person you can email any questions in confidence to our deputy clerk who will raise them at the meeting and get back to you with any response. Please email

By working together with our partners and the community, we hope we can keep Edenbridge a safe and fun place to live, work and visit.

Meetings News

REMINDER Annual Town Meeting – 1st March. BOOK NOW

Edenbridge Annual Town Meeting, 01 March 2021 starts 7.00 pm. Registration is via Eventbrite.

This year’s Annual Town Meeting will be a little different as it will be held over a virtual media platform, allowing you to still find out what is happening in your town whilst from the comfort of your home.

The event will include an overview of the Town Council’s work. Kent County Councillor Peter Lake will be joining us giving a summary of the County’s activities. Sevenoaks District Council, Leader Cllr Peter Fleming, will provide an update.  Other presentations will include: Dr Mark Sage providing an update on the new Medial Centre; meet your new local PCSOs; HOUSE youth services; Eden Valley Museum, and Edenbridge Cricket Club.

The full agenda will be published here prior to the event.

Book you seat now by clicking on to Eventbrite link here; tickets are free. Questions should be submitted in advance with your booking.


Meetings News

Annual Town Meeting – 1st March

Edenbridge Annual Town Meeting, 01 March 2021 starts 7.00 pm. Registration is via Eventbrite.

This year’s Annual Town Meeting will be a little different as it will be held over a virtual media platform, allowing you to still find out what is happening in your town whilst from the comfort of your home.

The event will include an overview of the Town Council’s work. Kent County Councillor Peter Lake will be joining us giving a summary of the County’s activities. Sevenoaks District Council, Leader Cllr Peter Fleming, will provide an update.  Other presentations will include: Dr Mark Sage providing an update on the new Medial Centre; meet your new local PCSOs; HOUSE youth services; Eden Valley Museum, and Edenbridge Cricket Club.

The full agenda will be published here prior to the event.

Book you seat now by clicking on to Eventbrite link here; tickets are free. Questions should be submitted in advance with your booking.


Planning Committee meeting – 12 November

An outline planning application has been submitted to Sevenoaks District Council for the site off Four Elms Road, next to the new medical centre for the erection of 340 dwellings, including affordable housing, land     for a 4FE secondary school including playing fields, land for a new twin hall venue for Edenbridge Scout Group, creation of a new car park for     Edenbridge Town Station and associated infrastructure improvements, allotments, associated access from Four Elms Road, emergency access, open space, attenuation areas and landscaping and some matters reserved save for means of access.

For details click 20/02988/OUT.

The agenda for the Planning Committee meeting click here

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