
Council services this Christmas and New Year

In an emergency, even when our office is closed, you can still call Sevenoaks District Council on 01732 227000.

Festive waste collections 2024

Sevenoaks District Council’s staff will be working extra days over Christmas and the New Year so you don’t miss a waste and recycling collection. Most collections will take place later than usual.

Please put your recycling and general waste out at 7am on your collection day to help prevent attracting animals and the build-up of litter.

The Garden Waste Collection Service will not be running after Friday 13 December until Monday 13 January when a normal service will resume.

Christmas tree collections

There are several ways to dispose of your real Christmas tree once the festivities have ended. Whatever option you choose, please remove all decorations, stands and pots.


Discover the highlights of our Annual Report 2023-24

Edenbridge Town Council’s Annual Report for 2023-24 is a comprehensive document that provides an in-depth look at our achievements over the past financial year and details how we allocate and spend funds to benefit our community.

Key highlights:

• Council achievements: Learn about the significant accomplishments that have positively impacted Edenbridge.

• Financial transparency: Understand how the council manages and spends its budget to enhance our town.

• Community engagement: Find out who your councillors are and how you can engage with the Council

Staying informed and engaged with the council’s activities is crucial for fostering a strong and vibrant community. We encourage all residents to take the time to read the report and gain insight into the workings of our local government.

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in making Edenbridge a wonderful place to live.


Remembrance Sunday

Sunday 10 November, over 250 residents joined in the parade from Leathermarket car park to the War Memorial to mark Remembrance Sunday.

Edenbridge remembers, “They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them”.

Thank you to everyone who attended the Remembrance Sunday wreath laying service. To Lennox Cato, Deputy Lieutenant of Kent, Cllr Laurence Ball (Chairman Sevenoaks District Council), Cllr Bob Todd (Chairman Edenbridge Town Council), Edenbridge RBL Branch and Club, various military services, the Police and Fire Service, and other local organisations. Thank you to the RBL, Scouts, Brownies and Guides, Manor Care Home, Bonfire Society, the Parish Church, Town Council staff, and NHS Properties (and Sam the security Officer, ex-military for ensuring the area was cleared and tidied, for helping to ensure the success of the parade and service.

Community News Market Tourism

Vote for Edenbridge in national market awards!

The National Association of British Market Authorities (NABMA) has launch its industry awards for 2024. The awards promote what is best in the industry and communities are being asked to nominate a:

•             Market Manager of the Year

•             Market Team of the Year

•             Market Achievement of the Year

•             Young Market Champion of the Year

The awards are sponsored by Blachere Illumination.

There are some wonderful stories from the industry that are deserving of nominations, and we hope you’ll agree that the success of Edenbridge Market over the past few years in terms of growing from a few stalls to around 15 regulars each week, is something to be celebrated!

In 2024, with the difficult times that the high street and many markets are facing, linked to the challenges of local government finance, it is important to shout out loud about markets and market people, and the immense contribution that they make to local communities like Edenbridge.


Nominations can be sent to
Closing date is 31 August

In terms of Market Manager and Team, all that is required at this stage is a nomination. For Market Achievement and Young Market Champion, provide some brief details and NABMA will follow up with enquiries.


Notice of appointment of date for the exercise of public rights – accounts 31 March 2024

Notice of appointment of date for the exercise of public rights
Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2024
Details about end-of-year accounts and the Annual Audit & Governance Return available on the website here

The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, and

The Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2015 (SI 234)

1.     Date of announcement:   _Friday 07 June 2024__                                  (a)(a) Insert date of placing of this notice on your website.
2.     Any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of the accounts to be audited and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers and receipts relating to them. For the year ended 31 March 2024 these documents will be available on reasonable notice on application to: 
        (b)  Caroline Leet, Town Clerk              Edenbridge Town Council,
       Doggetts Barn
       72A High Street
       TN8 5AR

      email:      _____________________________________________________
(b) Insert name, position and contact details of the Clerk or other person to whom any person may apply to inspect the accounts.
                commencing on (c)           Monday 10 June 2024                .
               and ending on (d)              Friday 19 July 2024(c )And (d)The inspection period must be 30 working days in total and commence no later than 1 July 2024.
3.     Local Government Electors and their representatives also have: 
the opportunity to question the auditor about the accounts; and 
the right to make objections to the accounts or any item in them. Written notice of an objection must first be given to the auditor and a copy sent to the Authority (f).   The auditor can be contacted at the address in paragraph 4 below for this purpose during the inspection period at 2 above.     
The auditor’s limited assurance review is being conducted under the provisions of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, the Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2015 and the National Audit Office’ Code of Audit Practice.  Your review is being carried out by:
Mazars LLP, The Corner, Bank Chambers, 26 Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1DF Email:
5.    This announcement is made by
 (e)) Caroline Leet  
(e)   Insert name and position of person placing the notice

Changes to waste sacks from 1 April

From 1 April, Sevenoaks District Council will no longer supply residents with black waste sacks. Residents are being asked to put their household rubbish in sacks made for waste. These could be the black or grey sacks available from most supermarkets and hardware stores.

During the autumn, the Council will also provide every household with a ‘sack for life’ for their recycling. These will replace clear recycling sacks and will cut down on single use plastics.

The Council will continue to supply residents with black sacks until 31 March and clear sacks until everyone has their recycling sack for life.

Like many authorities, Sevenoaks District Council (SDC) is keen to reduce its carbon footprint as well as tackling rising costs.

Since the pandemic, the volume of household waste and recycling collected has increased significantly with more people working from home and greater reliance on home deliveries.

This has meant the cost of providing the service has rocketed in the past four years with more staff and vehicles needed and increased visits to the waste transfer station. Residents value weekly waste collections and SDC is determined to continue to offer this service for as long as it can.

Removing free waste sacks has been shown to increase recycling rates as residents make the best use of their recycling facilities. Once fully implemented, the changes will also save 30,000 miles of driving every year to deliver sacks, further cutting carbon emissions.

Cllr Margot McArthur, Sevenoaks District Council’s Cabinet Member for Cleaner & Greener, says: “As far as we are aware, we are just one of a handful of councils to still provide weekly waste collections and the last in the country to supply residents with waste sacks. We hope that residents will support these changes to deliver both cost reductions as well as helping the environment.

“We are confident that the changes will deliver environmental benefits by encouraging residents to make the best use of our recycling facilities, decreasing our use of disposable plastics and reducing travel – cutting the District’s carbon footprint.”

Black sacks will still be available to purchase from Edenbridge Town Council offices for the time being.


Road closures will be in effect while water mains are replaced – Feb to Nov 2024

SES Water will be carrying out a series of road work schemes in Edenbridge to replace water main pipes that have reached the end of their operational life – some of the pipes dating back to pre-1930s. This will help to protect water supplies for now and in the future, while reducing the risk of leaks or bursts.

The work is expected to take place between 19 February 2024 to November 2024.

SES Water says: “We’re sorry for any disruption this might cause, but to safely connect the new pipe to our network, we need to put various forms of traffic management in place.”

Road closures – February to November

The work will take place on the following three roads:

  • Lingfield Road – closed from 19 February 2024 to September 2024 *update: to end of July 2024*
  • Springfield Road – closed from 29 April 2024 to October 2024
  • Stangrove Road – closed from 8 July 2024 to November 2024

Each road will need to be closed for the duration of the work for the safety and wellbeing of SES staff and other road users. Diversion routes will be in place and SES Water will ensure the easternmost section of Lingfield Road is cleared of any traffic management prior to the commencement of any closure along Stangrove Road.
PLEASE NOTE these dates may be subject to some change as the trial holes (see further information below) will dictate the exact timings.


Before the work commences, SES will be digging ‘trial holes’ to determine the exact route the water main pipe will run, avoiding other utilities in the ground, and helping to reduce disruption later in the scheme.

In total, four trial holes will be dug, with each requiring two-way traffic lights to be in place on the following dates:

  • 6 & 7 January 2024 – working between 125 and 91 Lingfield Road
  • 13 January 2024 – working between 125 and 91 Lingfield Road
  • 14 January 2024 – working between 71 and 45 Lingfield Road 

For further information visit


Notice of Casual Vacancy – Edenbridge South and West Ward

A vacancy has arisen for a councillor at the Town Council for the Edenbridge South and West Ward.

Residents have until 22 December to write to the District Council should they wish an election to be held, and if ten or more do so, an election will be held.  If not, the Council will consider residents who are interested for co-option, and formally consider them at a Council meeting. Click here for Notice of Vacancy


Notice of Casual Vacancy – Edenbridge South and West Ward

A vacancy has arisen for a councillor at the Town Council for the Edenbridge South and West Ward.

Residents have until 26 September to write to the District Council should they wish an election to be held, and if ten or more do so, an election will be held.  If not, the Council will consider residents who are interested for co-option, and formally consider them at a Council meeting. Click here for Notice of Vacancy


Neil Miller, Head Gardener, Hever Castle – limited complementary tickets available to hear him talk

Our popular Ready, Steady, Grow competition awards ceremony take place on Tuesday 5 September, 6.00 pm, Rickards Hall. We have limited free tickets available, on a first come, first served basis to see who are the winners (categories below), and a chance to hear the inside storey of Neil Miller, Head Gardener, Hever Castle, talking about continuing the art of Edwardian gardening. This is a rare opportunity to spend an evening with one of the finest gardeners, from one of the county’s national treasures. Apply now to There are six categories this year:
    • Front or Back Garden
    • Allotment
    • Young Gardener – Tallest Sunflower (11yrs & under)
    • Container (basket, window box, tub or other)
    • Nature Friendly Garden
    • Schools
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