Community News grants

Attention Edenbridge community groups – apply for funding by 21 October

Are you part of a local initiative that makes a difference in our community? Now’s your chance to secure funding to help your project grow!

Annual Grants

Our Annual Grants fund, which is £8,000 this year, is open for applications! Last year, we supported fantastic projects like:

  • New outdoor seating and children’s activities at the Bridges Centre
  • A new outdoor literary area at Marsh Green Pre-School
  • Transport services for hospital appointments
  • Improved facilities at the Recreation Ground Pavilion

These grants are designed to boost local activities, encourage participation, and enhance the quality of life for all residents. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Deadline: Monday 21 October, 5.00 pm

Apply now and make a lasting impact on Edenbridge!

CIL funding

Applications are also being invited for “infrastructure projects”. If you are an organisation or local group looking to enhance or provide new facilities for the benefit of Edenbridge, you can also apply for CIL funding; there is currently over £100,000 available. The closing date for CIL funding applications is 21 October.

Previous awards have included:

  • Stage lighting at the WI Hall
  • New playground facilities and Shepherds hut for teaching at Hever Primary School
  • An artificial pitch at Edenbridge Cricket Club
  • New flooring at St Paulinus Centre
  • Contribution to the new Edenbridge Memorial Health Centre

All applications for grants and CIL funding will be considered at the Charities & Grants meeting on Monday 25 November 2024.

Community News grants Young People

International Women’s Day – 8 March

This International Women’s Day we want to help #InspireInclusion by shining a light on Girlguiding in Edenbridge and the words of Anna Segall, Chief Executive of the World Association of Girl Guide and Girl Scouts:

These are just some of the important reasons why we are pleased to have awarded a community grant of over £500 to 1st Edenbridge Guides this year to help them run their activities. We would really encourage families to find out more about what girlguiding has to offer, either via the website or

“Girlguiding is slowly growing in Edenbridge,” says 1st Edenbridge Guides Leader, Steph Harrison. “We have just opened a new Brownie unit, and our Guide unit continues to grow.  This has only been possible with support from the community, and the girls who want to be part of Girlguiding. Our supporters include Edenbridge Town Council, who awarded us a grant of just over £500 this year, and have also supported us previously. This supports enables girls to participate in activities that help to grow their confidence, share new experiences, learn new skills and learn that Girls Can Do Anything!”

Brownies meet from 5.15 pm to 6.45 pm for girls age 7-10

Guides meet from 7 pm – 8.30 pm for girls age 10-15

Thursdays (term time only) at Rickards Hall

This information is from the Girlguiding website:

“Girls can do anything. We help them know that.”

We know that girls face pressures and expectations in every area of their lives. They’re limited by gender stereotypes, and they can face barriers to accessing the things they need to be happy.

Research shows that half of girls aged 14-17 believe that girls are more likely to experience negative gendered stereotypes than boys. And over a quarter of girls aged 14-17 have had a stereotype stop them from doing something.  Girls also tell us about the discrimination they face in their daily lives – our research shows that two thirds of girls aged 11 to 21 report seeing or experiencing sexism at school, college, university or work.

But we know that Girlguiding can help change this. Girls in Girlguiding are more confident than their peers: nearly 9 in 10 of them say they like being the way they are (compared with just 6 in 10 who have never been in Girlguiding).

Girlguiding offers a safe, inclusive space for all girls – one where they can try new things with friends they trust and volunteers they look up to.  This will give them courage, connections, confidence, and memories they’ll never forget. And when girls feel confident, they are more likely to know that they can do anything

Community News grants

Community groups benefit from grant awards

Community groups and initiatives in Edenbridge have been given a funding boost thanks to the Town Council’s Annual Grants scheme.

Applications are invited each year for projects that encourage and extend activities and support for local people.

Some of this year’s funding will go towards new outdoor seating and improved children’s activities at the Bridges Centre, a new outdoor literary area at Marsh Green Pre-School, administrating the Edenbridge Voluntary Transport service to provide transport for hospital appointments, and improving the facilities at the Recreation Ground Pavilion. (See below for full list of grants awarded)

Chairman of the Finance Committee, Cllr Stephen Sumner, said: “This year we were pleased to approve grants totalling £9290 towards services and activities we believe will improve the quality of life of residents. The grant process has highlighted just how many community initiatives there are in Edenbridge and support that is available. I would highly encourage people to find out more about everything that is available, and if you belong to such an organisation – to perhaps think about applying for a grant later this year.”

At the Council’s Grants Committee Meeting on 13 November 2023, the following grants were approved:

  • 1st Edenbridge Guides £532.00
  • Edenbridge Amateur Dramatic Society £250.00
  • Hi Kent Hearing Aid Support Clinics £400.00
  • Marsh Green Pre-School £708.00
  • Edenbridge Rugby Football Club £2,500.00
  • West Kent Mediation £900.00
  • Edenbridge Voluntary Transport £1,000.00
  • Bridges £500.00
  • Eden Christian Trust/ECT Youth Club £500.00
  • Edenbridge and Westerham Citizens Advice £2,000.00

For more information about our grants process, previous awards and other sources of funding, visit our Grants page.

Community News grants

Council grant supports improvements at St Paulinus Centre

Cllr Bob Todd (2nd from right) and Cllr Angela Baker (3rd from right), St Paulinus Centre

Having unanimously supported a bid for a £5000 grant earlier this year, Edenbridge Town councillors are happy to see that users of the Paulinus Centre in Marlpit Hill are now benefitting from a new floor. Edenbridge Town Council Chairman Cllr Bob Todd and Vice-Chair Cllr Angela Baker attended an open morning on 27 October, along with other funders, to view the new flooring, updated heating and paintwork.

John Nutting, chair of St Paulinus management committee said: “It was clear a couple of years ago that the condition of the hall’s floor, vital to the dance school, was deteriorating due to wet rot and that temporary corrective action couldn’t continue indefinitely. It was decided by the committee in 2022 that the only way forward to secure the future of the hall was to completely replace the floor structure.”

Chairman Cllr Bob Todd, said: “St Paulinus Centre is a well-used community facility, and we hope that everyone will enjoy the improved space.”

The centre has been providing services to the local community for many years, and currently hosts the St Paulinus Pre-School, the Cora Art Theatre dance school and pilates sessions. In the past the hall has been used for mother-and-baby groups, judo classes, art classes, a philately group along with quiz nights and fund-raising activities. It has been a venue for pre-school children for about 40 years.

“With increased local development we are sure that demand on this facility will grow even further, so we were pleased we could provide this funding through monies we’ve received from developers via the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL),” added Cllr Todd. “I would encourage community groups to consider applying for CIL funding when we announce that applications are open throughout the year, so that they too might benefit from such improvements.”

View full details about CIL funding and eligibility criteria

Community News grants

Free funding workshop for community groups

Community and voluntary groups who want to know more about fundraising and applying for grants can attend a free workshops:

Thursday 28 September, 10am to 2pm at Rickards Hall, Edenbridge

Organised by Sevenoaks District Council’s ‘Better Together’ team, the half-day session is for groups with limited or no experience of writing grant applications or applying for funding.

The event offers practical advice on writing an application, what funders are looking for, researching and preparing a proposal and avoiding the common pitfalls that could lead to an application being rejected.

Visit to book a place. 

Cllr Lesley Dyball, Sevenoaks District Council’s Cabinet Member for People and Places, says:

“Our free workshop will provide advice, hints and tips from experts on fundraising and how to produce successful grant applications.

“The workshops will also share details of the latest funding opportunities and what’s more, our ‘Better Together’ team will be on-hand to provide help and support after the events.”

Applications are now being invited for Edenbridge Town Council’s Annual Grants fund – deadline: 20 October. Read more about the Grants


Community groups invited to apply for Annual Grant – apply by 20 October

Deadline for applications: Monday 20 October 2023 at 5.00 pm

Do you belong to a community group or are you part of a local initiative that benefits the people of Edenbridge? You can now apply for a share of our Annual Grants fund. (This year we have a pot of £9290.)

Last year we awarded grants to groups including Edenbridge & Westerham Citizens Advice, 1st Edenbridge Girl Guides for items such as camp blankets and activity supplies, and Hi Kent to help continue providing a free community hearing aid support clinic at The Bridges Centre.

It is intended that the grants given should encourage and extend activities of local groups/projects, support participation in activities that are open and accessible to everyone, and improve the quality of life of residents.

For more information about previous awards and other sources of funding, visit our Grants page.


Deadlines approaching for grant applications

There are currently several grants available to apply for via Sevenoaks District Council:

West Kent Rural Grants

Deadline: Tuesday 15 August 2023

Rural businesses and communities can apply to the West Kent Rural Grants scheme to support jobs, communities and economic growth.

The scheme is funded by the Government’s Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF).

Grants of £2,000 to £25,000 are available.


Cultural Sector Development Grants

Deadline: Friday 8 September 2023

The Cultural Sector Development Fund can provide grants of up to £1000 to support community-led arts, cultural, heritage or creative programmes, for both residents and visitors to enjoy.


Applications for CIL Funding

Deadline: Friday 15 September 2023

Bids are invited from organisations who wish to apply for CIL funding from Sevenoaks District Council to help deliver their infrastructure projects.


Community News grants Young People

Council helps fund school play improvements

Two councillors at children's play area
They thought their playground days were over! Cllr Angela Baker and Cllr Alan Layland at Hever C of E Primary School

Cllr Angela Baker and Cllr Alan Layland were able to step out of the office last week and back in the playground to attend Hever C of E Primary School’s ‘Volunteer and Supporter Tea‘.

In 2022 the Town Council’s CIL Board awarded the school £24,659.72 towards its Longevity Project. The project aims to transform the functionality and all-weather usability of the outdoor areas by improving the ground and installing new play equipment and a children’s outdoor gym.

Cllr Baker said: “It is clearly evident to see how hard the PTA works in the school and what an amazing impact they have.
“It was a lovely afternoon hosted by the Year 6 class and a great opportunity to see the difference our grant has made towards the playground equipment and outdoor area. I’m sure the children really enjoy using the wonderful space that has been created.”

Cllr Layland added: “Over 80% of pupils at Hever School are Edenbridge residents, so I’m pleased that these improvements will benefit them and many others for years to come.”


Apply for infrastructure funding by 15 September

Sevenoaks District Council is inviting bids from organisations who wish to apply for CIL* funding to help deliver their infrastructure projects. Perhaps there are some Edenbridge organisations who might like to consider applying?

The cut-off date for applications to be considered by the next Board meeting is no later than midnight on Friday 15 September 2023. The CIL Spending Board will be held on Wednesday 29 November.

You can find out whether your project may be eligible for funding by visiting

* The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allows local authorities to secure funding for infrastructure to support development in their area. This is done by requiring developers to pay a standard charge per square meter (m2) of qualifying new development.


New funding for rural businesses and communities

Rural businesses and communities can now apply to the West Kent Rural Grants scheme, funded by the Government’s Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF).  

Grants ranging from £2,000 to £25,000 will support rural jobs and improve local facilities. They are capital only, match funding is required and other terms and conditions apply.

Applications will be open from Tuesday 4 July until midnight on Tuesday 15 August 2023.

Cllr Lesley Dyball, Sevenoaks District Council’s Cabinet Member for People and Places says: “We are very excited to have secured Government funding to support our rural businesses and communities. This new source of money will help them grow sustainably, create new jobs and improve community facilities. The window to apply is only open for a few weeks so I would urge anyone interested to get their applications in as soon as possible.”

To find out more about the scheme and to make an application, visit

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