Edenbridge Manor Care Home – The Town Council Chairman Cllr Bob Todd, together with Cllr Alan Layland and the Community Warden, Rose, took a visit to the new care home in Edenbridge yesterday (Thursday 24 June). Cllr Todd said, ‘it was wonderful, very impressive and a real sense of community and care for its residents. It was real pleasure to meet and chat with staff and residents’.
Rose said, ‘it was really nice to meet everyone and look forward to some of the residents coming along to the Monday Games Club’. Cllr Layland attended the topping out ceremony in 2020 when he was Chairman of the Council and said, ‘having watched the start of this project and to now see it completed and fully operational is fantastic. I was impressed with the quality of the caring, the new care and residential home is a real asset to Edenbridge’.
For more details: https://www.averyhealthcare.co.uk/…/edenbridge-manor/
Pictured left to right: Cllrs Bob Todd, Alan Layland; Gemma Fryer (Home Manager); Samii (Welfare); with two residents.