Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Annual Returns
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge that local councils in England and Wales place on new developments, like housing or commercial buildings. The money collected from this charge is used to fund local infrastructure, such as schools, roads, parks, and other facilities that benefit the community.
In simple terms, when a new building is constructed, the developer has to pay a fee to the council. This fee helps ensure that the area has the necessary services and amenities to support the new growth. The goal is to make sure that as the community grows, so does the infrastructure that everyone relies on.
As the planning authority, Sevenoaks District Council collects this money and passes some on to Town and Parish Councils to allocate in their area.
Town and Parish Councils have to adhere to the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended) when it comes to spending CIL monies that they receive. Monies received by the Town/Parish Council under Payment A can be spent on the following:
- The provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure;
- Anything else that is concerned with addressing the demands that development places on an area.
The money received under Payment B can be spent on the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure only.
How to apply for CIL funds
Reporting on CIL
Town and Parish Councils are required to report on the amount of CIL receipts received and its spending of CIL, for each financial year. It also needs to report on the amount of CIL that has been retained at the end of the financial year and also the amount that has been allocated to particular projects.
The report, for each financial year, must be published on the Town/Parish Council website before the end of the calendar year.
CIL return 2022-23 excel record 2022-23
CIL Return 2021-22 and 2021-22
CIL end-of-year reconciliation 2020-21
CIL Return 2020-21
CIL Return 2019_20
CIL return 2018-19
CIL return 2017-18
CIL return 2016-17