On Monday night (15 May) our new Council met for the first time following the four-yearly local elections earlier this month. The election for Edenbridge Town Council was uncontested, as there were only 11 candidates nominated for 15 places. This means we have four vacancies, which we will shortly be advertising and looking to fill by the summer– keep an eye out on our website, Facebook page and noticeboards around the town for further details.

At the meeting, Cllr Bob Todd was voted in as Chairman and Cllr Angela Baker as Vice-Chairman for the year. Members were also appointed to committees, such as Finance, Planning and Open Spaces. Committee Chairmen will be appointed at the first meeting of each committee.
Chairman Cllr Todd said: “Having the opportunity to continue to serve the residents and communities of Edenbridge is a great honour, and I feel especially fortunate to represent an area with such a wonderful sense of community, as seen at the recent Coronation celebrations held at the Recreation Ground.
“As Chairman, I shall look forward to representing the Council at various engagements throughout the year and will be undertaking my duties with great pride. I am immensely proud of what this Council has achieved over recent years, and I very much look forward to working alongside my fellow councillors to best serve our community and to raise the profile of Edenbridge Town Council and the important work it does.”
View your councillors and what committees they’ll be sitting on.
For details of Full Council meetings, including agendas and minutes, you can check our Council Meetings page. Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings.