Flood advice and information

View the presentation made at the Annual Town Meeting (2020) on the flood area around Edenbridge and the River Eden

Residents and businesses across the Sevenoaks district are encouraged to be prepared for flooding by:

  • regularly checking road or surface water drains near your property are not blocked.  If they are, use the Kent County Council “Report a Problem” tool to get it cleared 
  • reporting if there are any water courses that are blocked or partly blocked with rubbish or weeds, to the Environment Agency via e-mail: enquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk or call 03708 506506
  • having sandbags ready. Sevenoaks District Council will only provide sandbags to residents in emergency situations.  Unfortunately with flash flooding events it is normally too late to stop flooding reaching your property.  It is wise to have enough sandbags or floodsacks ready when there is a threat of flooding – bags of sand and flood sacks can be bought from DIY stores or online.
  • planning ahead -the kentprepared.org.uk/preparing-for-an-emergency offers advice on how you can protect your home or business, including a “personal flood plan” template, and links to Environment agency documents: www.kentprepared.org.uk/flooding 
  • registering with Floodline to receive the latest information for your area during a flood by calling 03459 881188
  • Kent and Medway Resilience Forum (KMRF) has developed a simple 5-Step Guide with practical actions you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones. These steps will empower you to respond confidently to potential emergencies. You can view the Guide at www.kentprepared.org.uk/5-steps.
    5 step guide to being prepared for emergencies