
French twinning visitors receive warm welcome

French visitors at the Edenbridge Motor Show

We were pleased to host visitors from our twinning town of Mont St Aignan in Normandy, France, over the weekend of 9-11 September. The Twinning Association was formed in 1973 to promote friendship and understanding between the two towns and its people.

During their visit, the group paid tribute to our late Majesty The Queen and observed a one minute silence.

As part of their trip, the Chairman of the Edenbridge Chamber of Commerce, Anita Black, kindly welcomed our French visitors to the Edenbridge Motor Show.

The Twinning Association will be celebrating its 50th anniversary next year. Find out more: Twinning Association – Edenbridge Town Council

Message sent to the Town Council from the Twinning Association on 8 September 2022:

En ce jour de deuil, nous vous adressons nos affectueuses pensées. Elisabeth II, amoureuse de la culture française, restera à jamais l’une des figures les plus emblématiques et les plus aimées de l’histoire de son pays et de notre continent.

On this day of mourning, we send you our loving thoughts. Elizabeth II, in love with our French culture, will remain forever one of the most emblematic and beloved figures in the history of her country and continent.