A pilot walk-in minor injuries service at Edenbridge Medical Practice will continue to run until the opening of the new Edenbridge Memorial Health Centre in November.
The trial, which started on Tuesday, 15 August 2023 and replaces the MIU service at Edenbridge and District War Memorial Hospital, is being delivered through a partnership between the medical practice and Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (KCHFT).
KCHFT’s clinical lead for the Edenbridge project, Clive Tracey, said: “Due to staffing challenges, our unit at the Edenbridge hospital needed to close on numerous occasions this year. We hope trialling this new partnership approach will offer a more resilient and longer-term solution for the community.”
The GP-led service is open from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm, excluding bank holidays at Edenbridge Medical Practice, Station Road, Edenbridge TN8 5ND.
It is run by specialist practitioners who are nurses and paramedics and is for minor injuries only. For illnesses and other medical problems, including x-ray, patients will need to contact their GP, phone 111 or visit the Sevenoaks Urgent Treatment Centre. The minor injuries unit at Edenbridge hospital will remain closed during the pilot.
The Edenbridge and District War Memorial Hospital will be closing shortly, to be replaced by a new £13.5 million Edenbridge Memorial Health Centre. More information on the new centre can be found on the Edenbridge future page.
Information about alternative local urgent services can be found at www.kentcht.nhs.uk/urgentcare