
New Planning Policy for Edenbridge

New planning policy for Edenbridge 

Sevenoaks District Council has agreed a new planning policy for Edenbridge to ensure future developments conserve and enhance the town’s character. 

The Edenbridge Character Area Assessment (ECAA) identifies the distinct features of the town that contribute to its uniqueness.

It will now be used as a tool when considering planning applications so that future development reflects local character. 

The document was drawn up in partnership with Edenbridge Town Council and consulted on widely amongst residents and businesses last year. Sevenoaks District Council’s Cabinet approved the final ECAA on Thursday 18 March 2021.

Sevenoaks District Council Portfolio Holder for Development & Conservation, Cllr Julia Thornton, says: “We are really proud of this document. It’s thorough and informative and the interactive tool that accompanies it online is really efficient and easily accessible. A huge thank you should go to both Edenbridge Town Council and the officers at Sevenoaks District Council for delivering a safe public consultation during the pandemic, giving residents and businesses a voice in this process.”

Cllr Thornton adds: “The ECAA will, without a doubt, be a useful tool going forward to help ensure that new development in Edenbridge adds rather than detracts from the town’s distinctive character.”

To find out more about the Edenbridge Character Area Assessment and to use the interactive map visit