
Edenbridge Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan – add your comments

Deadline for comments: Monday 16 December 2024

Sevenoaks District Council (SDC) is working on a comprehensive Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for Edenbridge. This covers Edenbridge’s built up area and connected countryside.

The plan will identify a number of walking and cycling routes to encourage residents, commuters, and visitors to move more sustainably around the area. Increasing safe and attractive opportunities for walking and cycling is a key priority for SDC as it tries to encourage people to leave their cars at home for short journeys. The Council believes that better walking and cycling opportunities in Edenbridge will help to reduce carbon emissions, improve air quality, promote healthy lifestyles and improve the quality of the environment for residents.

The Edenbridge LCWIP Map shows the indicative study area for the LCWIP in a red dashed line, which incorporates the built up area and connected countryside. The map also shows some key locations within the town for context, including some key development sites that have planning permission.

How to participate:

In order to make the Edenbridge LCWIP the best it possibly can be, SDC is seeking your views and experiences of walking and cycling in Edenbridge, to see where improvements could be made. Let the Council know your thoughts and highlight the issues or improvements you would like to see addressed as part of the LCWIP. All of your comments will help shape the Edenbridge LCWIP.

To leave a comment

Simply click the comment symbol in the top right of your screen (PC) or the pink comment icon on your mobile device, and then click the location on the map where you would like to make a comment. A pop-up box will appear with a text box which you can type into. Any comments left on the map will be visible to other users, so we would recommend just providing your name if you do not wish your contact details to be visible on the map.

Next steps

The deadline for leaving comments on the map is Monday 16 December. SDC will then review all feedback from the map to help shape the LCWIP. Once the Plan is drafted, SDC will seek your views again on how to prioritise the routes.