
Council Policies

This section contains copies of the major documents used by the Council when carrying out its business and those required for ensuring that the Council conducts its business in an open and transparent manner.

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Website Terms of Use

The Terms of use for this website are contained in this section.

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Privacy Policy

Edenbridge Town Council is committed to safeguarding and preserving your privacy. These policies explains what happens to any personal data you provide to us, or we collect from you when you contact us, or whilst you visit our websites.

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Details of the insurances held by the Council are displayed here.

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Risk Assessment

Risk Assessments are reviewed inline with policy, and an external Health and Safety audit is carried out annually. Copies of risk assessments are available from the Council office on request. Here are some statutory assessments:
Governance reviewed annually, it includes overall governance, personnel, finance, buildings and the open spaces (File are too large to upload as one document.)
2023: Governance, Personnel, Finance, BuildingsOpen Spaces

2022: Governance, Personnel, Finance, Buildings, Open Spaces

Office Safety
Stress Management
Violence at Work
Games Club – Rickards Hall

Click here for COVID-19 risk assessments and the 5-steps working together.