
Chairman’s Reception

Last night (20 July) the Chairman’s Reception paid tribute to individuals and organisations that work with the elderly, in particular those living with Alzheimer’s and Dementia. 

Chairman Cllr Bob Todd said “I was delighted to be able to host an evening of thanks.  This was my first Chairman’s Reception, and I was really pleased to have a such a cross section of representation of people from our community who go out of their way to help Edenbridge be the lovely place it is to live within.  I was pleased to be able to pay a special thank you to Crossroads, Edenbridge Voluntary Transport, the Doctor’s Surgery, Alzheimer’s and Dementia Support Services, Older Persons Services, the new Manor Care Home, Edenbridge Hospital Day Centre and Sue Larken, commonly known as ‘Pop up Sue’, for her weekly classes, patience, caring nature and support she provides to the people who attend her ‘chair fitness’ sessions”.

The evening also had representation from volunteers who work with the Community Warden on Speedwatch, Litter Pickers, Games Social Club, and Involve Kent who fund the new Games Club for the over 55s.

The evening also paid tribute to a dear friend and councillor, John Scholey, who sadly died last year and Mark Robson, an ex-councillor who died earlier this year.  We lost another dear friend to the Council, Graham Coldman, who was Chaiman of the Citizens Advice and was instrumental in establishing the Community Warden role. 

A final thank you to the harpist Margaret Watson, who delighted our guests with her varied classical repertoire.