Consultations Transport

Have your say on Kent County Council’s draft Local Transport Plan

Kent County Council has launched a county-wide consultation on its new draft Local Transport Plan. The Local Transport Plan is a statutory plan which is designed to set out the Council’s ambition and proposals for major changes to the transport networks and to help the Council make the case for future funding for delivering improvements.

You can take part in the LTP5 consultation at and find a list of locations where the project team will be hosting drop-in events of the proposals for the relevant district of Kent and can take questions and help attendees with providing responses to the consultation. For the list of locations just navigate to the link under the heading ‘Drop-in events’ or visit .

The consultation closes on Tuesday 8 October

For queries or to request hard copies of the consultation material, please
email or phone 03000 416595.
For any alternative formats, email or call
03000 421553 (text relay service number 18001 03000 421553). This numberngoes to an answering machine, which is monitored during office hours

Environment Open Spaces

Land sought to help Kent plant more trees

Calling local landowners – do you have some spare land on which a new, small wood or a community orchard could be planted? 

Kent County Council is looking for help with its Kent Plan Tree project, seeking sites of up to half a hectare (about 1.25 acres) to increase the county’s tree cover. Funding is available from the government’s Local Authority Treescape Fund for this year and 2024, which will add to the millions more trees the UK needs to reach the carbon net-zero target for 2050.

The aim in Kent is to establish a new tree for every resident – 1.5 million of them. They can be planted as wildwoods, avenues, windbreaks, or small forests, on areas outside existing woodlands ranging in size from a tennis court to a football pitch, to a maximum 70m x 70m.  Kent intends to work with local community groups and volunteers to prepare sites, organise a planting event, and provide aftercare watering and weeding, for at least three years after planting. 

If you have a piece of land which may be suitable, with access to a water supply, please get in touch with us.

Email  or call 01732 865368

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