Consultations Environment

Thank you for taking part in our dog-fouling survey

Thank you to everyone that completed our recent survey about dog fouling and possible dog-walking restrictions in Edenbridge. Your feedback has been really valuable and is going to help councillors with any future decisions they need to make to tackle irresponsible dog ownership and improve our open spaces.

At the Open Spaces Committee in November, councillors discussed the results and comments at length, which had produced 256 survey responses revealing that opinions were divided for and against the possibility of introducing dog-walking restrictions on the Council’s open spaces. Though there was a clear majority who agreed there was a problem with dog fouling at Town Council open spaces, there was no evidence that a dogs-on-leads policy was overwhelmingly supported or would solve the problem.

Your comments have provided many constructive ideas and suggestions, which councillors will continue to explore alongside other considerations. For now, the Council will be looking at making improvements to signage as well as continuing to remind people that Council litter bins are now dual-use and can take bagged dog waste.

One of two new litter bins recently installed at Stangrove Park
Community News Open Spaces

Hever Castle digs out prizes for garden winners!

Congratulations to everyone that took part in this year’s Edenbridge gardening competition – Ready, Steady, Grow.

Councillors enjoyed visiting the gardens and meeting residents back in July to help them decide the winners. As ever, they were really impressed with the level of skill and enthusiasm for gardening that was shown.

Chairman Cllr Bob Todd said: “From allotments, to small containers and giant sunflowers, it was great to see everyone’s efforts this year. It was especially nice to see young people getting involved and showing enthusiasm for gardening – hopefully it has sparked an interest that will continue throughout their life.”

A presentation evening was held on 5 September at Rickards Hall to announce the winners and present the prizes that were generously given by Hever Castle & Gardens.

The Council’s Open Spaces Committee has agreed to run the competition again next year, so if you didn’t take part this time, there will be another opportunity! Gardening has many benefits – physical, mental and social, and taking care of our outdoor spaces can also instil a sense of pride, as well as being good for the environment and wildlife.

Scroll down to see some photos from the presentation evening and the full list of winners.

And the winners for 2023 are…

Front/Back Garden                                                
Winner: Auralucia Brook                                                          
Runner-up: Carol Connor
Highly Commended: Michael and Rosemary Hill

Winner: Min Reynolds
Runner-up: Michael and Rosemary Hill

Nature-Friendly Garden         
Winner: Jane Moore
Runner-up: Ms J Burton
Highly Commended: Auralucia Brook

Local Schools/Groups             
Winner: Hever CofE School         
Runner-up: Marsh Green Pre-School
Highly Commended: Edenbridge Beavers

Winner: Pat Rayner
Runner-up: Min Reynolds
Highly Commended: Sue Butcher
Highly Commended: Tracy Jeal

Young Gardener
Victoria Jepp
Griggs family 

Tallest Sunflower
Winner:  Evelyn Luck
Runner up: Darcey Wilks

Open Spaces

New seating installed at Recreation Ground

A new seat has been installed at the Recreation Ground by the playground area. The shady location under the trees will provide a welcome rest-stop for users. There is also existing seating in the playground.

The installation marks one year since we officially opened the new play area. Children of all ages, including toddlers and teens, have been enjoying its different features including the sensory path, slides and zip wire.

Thank you for all the positive feedback we’ve received about it – one person even told us they moved to Edenbridge because of the playground and the investment it showed in the community.

The new Recreation Ground playground was opened on 16 June 2022
News Open Spaces

Stangrove Park all-inclusive outdoor gym and activity area

Stangrove Park inclusive activity and gym area
Stangrove Park inclusive activity and gym area

Edenbridge Town Council is delighted to show you a first look at the new all-inclusive outdoor gym and activity area at Stangrove Park.

News Open Spaces

New – Outdoor Gym and Multi Use Games Area with Street Snooker – Stangrove Park. Work to start in September.

Edenbridge Town Council is delighted to show you a first look at the new all-inclusive outdoor gym and activity area at Stangrove Park.

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