The District Council has provided copies of three of the information boards they will be using at their consultation at Waitrose on Tuesday 14 August. They have also provided large scale copies of three sites proposing ‘Exceptional Circumstances’ for development in the Green Belt. They are available for residents to view at Doggetts Barn between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. Reference copies of the consultation documents are also available to view here. The Town Council will be considering its response at the Planning and Transportation Meeting on Monday 13 August 7.30pm at Doggetts Barn, residents are welcome to attend. Copies of the Agenda are available on the Town Council’s website Formal responses to the Local Plan MUST be submitted to the District Council details on their dedicated web page. Please let the Town Council know your views before they meet on Monday night. They can be emailed to or left at Doggetts Barn.