Edenbridge Town Council is working with Sevenoaks District Council to assess whether there might be a need for “local needs” housing in Edenbridge so that residents who cannot afford to buy or rent locally, are not forced to move away. It also helps those who have already had to move away make a return to their family support networks and contribute to the local community. To identify whether a need for this type of housing exists in our community, a Housing Needs Survey will be delivered to every household during September. Please do look out for it; we would like to hear from as many residents as possible. The survey will also ask older residents of the parish who might need to downsize or move to more suitable housing to respond, whether they need affordable housing or housing to buy on the open market.
The survey has been commissioned by Edenbridge Town Council and is being undertaken by the Rural Housing Enabler from Action with Communities in Rural Kent; please look out for it in your post.
For more information contact Action with Communities in Rural Kent on 01303 765 645