
Hever Road (west of Burnt Oak Farm) update

We are aware that an application has been submitted relating to new fencing and a new entrance at land at Hever Road (west of Burnt Oak Farm). This is the application Sevenoaks District Council was expecting to the made following conversations with the occupier of the land. Regardless of the Article 4 restrictions now on the land, that person still has the right to apply for planning permission on the land and it will be dealt with by an officer in the normal way and should be determined within 8 weeks of being validated. Kent County Council Highways will be consulted on the application due to the fact that a new access from the highway is being proposed.

The application can be viewed on SDC planning portal application number 20/02217/FUL (click application no for link) and all comments regarding this application should be made via the SDC planning portal.

Edenbridge Town Council Planning and Transportation Committee will consider this at its next meeting on 7 September, and make its recommendation to SDC.