Kent County Council (KCC) is seeking the views of service users, members of the public and other interested parties, on a proposal to charge for the disposal of non-household waste at the Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs), sometimes known as the ‘tip’.
Non-household waste included in this consultation;
Soil, rubble and hardcore
Even if originating from a domestic property, these materials are to be treated as non-household waste in accordance with the Controlled Waste Regulations 2012.
In recent years the amount of waste from household alterations and building works that is being brought to our HWRCs has increased. Furthermore, with neighbouring authorities adopting charging, this will have an impact on KCCs HWRCs with regards to cross border usage.
Therefore, we are proposing to introduce charges, which are in line with other councils, to recover the cost of dealing with these types of non-household waste, and continue to offer a disposal option. These charges are intended to help KCC achieve critical savings while still maintaining a comprehensive service for residents.
KCC is proud to have made significant progress in its environmental performance over the past 10 years. More than 99% of Kent’s household waste is now recycled, treated or recovered to produce energy, with less than 1% sent to landfill.
Have your say
Your participation in this consultation and views on this proposal are important and will help KCC to carefully consider options and inform any decision.
We recommend you read the consultation document. To take part in, please fill in the online questionnaire.
This consultation closes on 1 November 2018.