
Spring and Queen’s Jubilee bank holiday waste collections

Residents’ waste collections will take place on their usual day over the Spring and Jubilee bank holidays.

Sevenoaks District Council refuse collection crews will be working as usual on Thursday 2 and Friday 3 June 2022. Anyone who has a collection scheduled on these days should put their sacks out as normal.

There will be no changes to garden waste collections over the two bank holidays either.

Residents should put their black and clear sacks out at 7am and garden waste out at 6.30am on their collection day.

Cllr Margot McArthur, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Cleaner and Greener, says: “Our waste collection crews will be going the extra mile by working the two bank holidays so no one misses a collection. Thanks to the dedication of our staff, we’ve kept our bank holidays collection arrangements simple – residents just need to put their sacks and garden waste out on their usual day.”

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