
Budget and Precept 2023-24 approved by Council

The budget for 2023-24 and Precept was approved by full Council in January.

The ‘Precept’ is the amount of tax you pay towards the services of Edenbridge Town Council, which is collected via your yearly Council Tax bill from Sevenoaks District Council. Our Precept is the smallest proportion of your Council Tax bill (other services included in your bill include the Police, Kent County Council and Kent Fire & Rescue).

It is never an easy task to balance the Council’s costs in providing community services with the income we receive, and especially so in the current cost of living crisis. Council has considered savings and aims to continue providing a high level of well-maintained facilities which residents deserve.

Council Budget 2023-24

Expenditure: £771,841 

Income (estimated): £92,773 plus the Precept 

Council Precept: £702,217 

Band D equivalent: £180.43, an increase of £0.71p per month/or £8.59 annually.

Council Budget Infographic