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Busy time for the Neighbourhood Plan team

It’s all systems go for the Edenbridge Neighbourhood Plan project team.  Local businesses have had the Business Survey hand-delivered to their premises, and an assessment of the different Characters Areas of the town’s development is also in full swing.

Replying to the Survey will give local businesses the opportunity to have their say in the shaping of the future of Edenbridge.  Are there enough of the right kind of premises in the town? Is there sufficient of the right kind of housing to meet employers’ and staff needs? Are transport and communication links enough to meet their current and future business needs?  Every company that received a survey is urged to complete and return it to the collecting point at the Town Council office by the end of May.  Any business which has not received a survey is asked to please contact the team for a copy.

A series of walks through the town has been organised to assess the character of different areas of the town, looking at Edenbridge’s history and architecture and character.  The information which comes from these will help support local policies about the design of any future buildings. Then on 4th June, 7-9pm at Rickards Hall there will be a workshop bringing together the findings.

Five different Task Groups are working on aspects of the Neighbourhood Plan – housing, economy, environment, infrastructure, and health/learning/well-being.  These are meeting monthly to progress the sections of the Plan – next is Thursday 21st May and then 18th June, 7-9.00pm at Rickards Hall, just off Edenbridge High Street, behind the Museum. Local people are invited to join in and help shape the future of the town, and can keep up to date with our news by following the project on Facebook.