
Come and see the plans

On Saturday 12th May 10am-2pm there is a consultation on High Street improvements and a proposed 20 mph zone. The consultation will take place upstairs in Town Council Offices, Doggetts Barn.

Edenbridge Town Council & Kent Highways are considering installing a 20mph speed limit in a select location. Those living in or with businesses in the affected area will receive a leaflet through their door, or click link below now to view

Research and evidence has demonstrated clear benefits from lowering speed limits in residential areas. In line with this, over the last decade, more and more highway authorities have proceeded to implement 20mph speed limits within their boundaries.

Also being discussed are Wayfinders and the Market Yard car park entrance.

The Town Council is considering a scheme to make a one-way entrance to the Market Yard car park from the High Street.

The Town Council is also looking to help people find their way around the Town, linking the areas of interest and encouraging walking. We would like to hear your suggestions for the High Street Wayfinders signs

We look forward to hearing resident’s views on these proposals.

For more info click here