On Monday 12 February The Council discussed the proposed demolition of existing industrial buildings and erection of a supermarket, a comparison based variety store and small ‘sandwich shop’ unit with associated access, parking and landscaping.
Members supported this application but have asked that conditions are applied regarding the maintenance of the drainage systems for the car park ensuring they are clearly identified between the individual users. Members also requested that the applicant looks again at the parking to see if a more generous provision could be made to help meet some of the additional demand at the north end of the town and to consider installing electrical charging points. To reduce concerns regarding loss of trade for the High Street a contribution towards the cost of Wayfinder signs directing residents and visitors to the various areas of the town has been requested. This scheme is being initiated by the Edenbridge Business Forum in partnership with the Town Council’s parking group.
Land At Station Road And Fircroft Way Station Road Edenbridge KENT TN8 6HQ Ref. No: 18/00233/FUL
You can find the full meetings minutes on the below link: