Members of the public are welcome to attend council and committee meetings but are asked, where possible, to advise the Town Clerk in advance.
For further information, please contact the Town Clerk or office by calling 01732 865368 or email
Edenbridge Town Council meetings and Committee meetings are normally held in public in Rickards Hall, Doggetts Courtyard, 72a High Street, Edenbridge TN8 5AR. All meetings are open to the press and public, and open at 7.30 pm unless otherwise stated.
View Meeting Agendas
They are published at least three clear days before the meeting, and we also publish them on our noticeboard. Hard copies of agendas and meeting papers are available on request to the Town Clerk.
If you are planning to attend a meeting, please read our Guidance on attending Council and Committee meetings
Council business is conducted through the following committees:
Planning & Transportation
This Committee’s policy is to consider planning applications and to submit responses to Sevenoaks District Council (or occasionally KCC and adjacent authorities) for which there is delegated authority from Council, in the light of established Governmental, County and District polices, and Supplementary Planning Guidance. Find out more…
Finance and Governance
The Finance and Governance Committee makes decisions in line with general policy and expenditure approved by the Town Council. It gives direction to regulate and control the finances and accounts of the Council. Find out more…
Open Spaces
This committee manages the Council’s amenity sites and activities (including street lighting), its broad policy being to balance achievable standards within available funding, utilising the four ground staff and cleaner. Find out more…
Emergency Planning
Its policy is to work in very close cooperation with Sevenoaks District and Kent County Council Emergency Planning Sections, providing local knowledge and support. There is a small budget, for radio licences etc, but the Committee has no delegated authority. Find out more…
The Community Infrastructure (CIL) Board has delegated authority to make decisions on behalf of the Town Council and shall consider Bids for CIL funding in accordance with the law, Town Council’s Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and the CIL guidance framework. Find out more…
Forward Planning Steering Group
This Committee’s role is to make policy recommendations over the medium term to Council, with particular reference to capital projects and consider factors which would affect the setting of budgets. It has no delegated authority and no budget. Find out more…