The bulky waste vehicle will be visiting Edenbridge on Saturday 30 July.
Collections will be made from:
Church Street (the Plat junction) 9.15am – 9.45am
Skeynes Road (by the green) 10.00am – 10.30am
Stangrove Estate (Park View Close) 10.45am – 11.15am
Spitals Cross Estate (Fircroft Way near Farmstead Drive) 11.30 – 12noon
The Town Council is pleased to continue funding this service as we know a lot of residents, especially those that are unable to go to ‘The Tip’, find it very helpful.
The service cannot take electrical appliances, metal, hard core, compostable garden waste, large panels of glass, oil or paint. Please wait with your items until the vehicle arrives. The collection areas will be closely monitored in advance for fly tipping.