What are we planning to do?
Kent County Council is planning a scheme to improve safety in Edenbridge town centre. The scheme will make changes to the existing 30mph speed limit in the High Street, Lingfield Road, Forge Croft and Church Street. This will involve the implementation of new 20mph Zone speed limit signs and 20mph speed limit road markings. We also intend to install three Way Finder signs, a new speed cushion, relocate an ornate finger post sign, resurface the High Street and relay all of the road markings.
When will the work start and how long will it take?
The work will take around five days and nights to complete which will be undertaken in three phases:
1. Will commence on Monday 30th July 2018, these works will include installing the upright speed limit signs and road markings in Lingfield Road, Forge Croft and Church Street.
2. Will commence on Sunday 2nd September 2018, the work will include the resurfacing of the High Street.
3. Will commence on Sunday 16th September 2018, this is to complete the replacement and new road markings in the High Street.
This type of work can be affected by bad weather, so if it is not possible for us to carry it out at this time, we will arrange a new date and put up signs along the road, before we start, showing the date we plan to start work.
How will we carry out the works and how will it affect you?
The works will be undertaken using lane and road closures of the affected roads to give our contractor a safe area within which to carry out construction. We need your help to make sure the work is done as quickly as possible and to the best possible quality. If you normally use these roads, please use the diversion route whilst the works are carried out. The diversion route will be signed on the following roads:
High Street>Station Road> B2026 Mont St Aignan Way >High Street
Why do we want to do this work?
Kent County Council is introducing this scheme to improve road safety and the environment at this location. This scheme is being funded by Section 106 agreements made between Kent County Council and local developers.
Keeping you and our staff safe
We want to complete the works as quickly as we can and without causing you too much inconvenience. So please respect our workers’ space and safety by driving carefully and slowly through the roadworks. Feedback from our workers shows that too many drivers go too fast through roadworks. Everyone is entitled to a safe workplace and our staff work next to moving traffic and risk injury every day to maintain and improve the highway for everyone.
For further information or to find out more about what we do please visit our website www.kent.gov.uk/highways where you can also report a fault on any of our roads across Kent. You can find us on Twitter @KentHighways. If you have a problem during the works or need to contact us in an emergency you can call us on 03000 41 81 81. We often ask residents to fill in a short feedback survey that we will post through your door after we have completed our works so please help us by filling this in and sending it back freepost. You can also do this survey on line at www.kent.gov.uk/roadworkssurvey.
Click here for details of consultation responses Consultation on 20mph limit in High Street and surrounding areas –