Environment Waste Collections

Bulky waste collection – Saturday 22 June

The bulky waste freighter will return to Edenbridge on Saturday 22 June. This service is funded by Edenbridge Town Council and provided by Sevenoaks District Council (SDC).

Following repeated incidences of fly-tipping and some residents having to wait longer with their items due to the large amounts being left, we recently asked SDC to review the service. While the pick-up locations and times will remain the same for now, two refuse trucks will be used to try and ensure that all bulk items can be collected on time.


Items must be under 6ft long. The service cannot take electrical appliances, metal, hard core, compostable garden waste, large panels of glass, oil or paint. No commercial/business waste allowed.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Environment Waste Collections

Bulky waste collection – Saturday 7 October

The bulky waste vehicle will be doing the rounds in Edenbridge this October for the final collection of your large unwanted items this year.

Collections will be made on Saturday 7 October from:

Church Street (the Plat junction) 9.15 am – 9.45 am
Skeynes Road (by the green) 10.00 am – 10.30 am
Stangrove Estate (Park View Close) 10.45 am – 11.15 am
Spitals Cross Estate (Fircroft Way near Farmstead Drive) 11.30 am – 12 noon

Items must be under 6ft long. The service cannot take electrical appliances, metal, hard core, compostable garden waste, large panels of glass, oil or paint. No commercial/business waste allowed.

Please wait with your items until the vehicle arrives. The collection areas will be closely monitored in advance for fly tipping.

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