Community News Market Tourism

Vote for Edenbridge in national market awards!

The National Association of British Market Authorities (NABMA) has launch its industry awards for 2024. The awards promote what is best in the industry and communities are being asked to nominate a:

•             Market Manager of the Year

•             Market Team of the Year

•             Market Achievement of the Year

•             Young Market Champion of the Year

The awards are sponsored by Blachere Illumination.

There are some wonderful stories from the industry that are deserving of nominations, and we hope you’ll agree that the success of Edenbridge Market over the past few years in terms of growing from a few stalls to around 15 regulars each week, is something to be celebrated!

In 2024, with the difficult times that the high street and many markets are facing, linked to the challenges of local government finance, it is important to shout out loud about markets and market people, and the immense contribution that they make to local communities like Edenbridge.


Nominations can be sent to
Closing date is 31 August

In terms of Market Manager and Team, all that is required at this stage is a nomination. For Market Achievement and Young Market Champion, provide some brief details and NABMA will follow up with enquiries.

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